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The emphasis of our ministry is to shed light on the Word of God so that you can know the truth that will set you free!  Here's just a little about how we got started and where we are now.

Know the Truth Ministries was established in 2000 by Daiscia Merritt after her graduation from World Harvest Bible Training Center and subsequent licensing through Life In Christ Ministries, Inc. of Pennsauken, New Jersey.  God called Daiscia to the ministry to teach the truths of God's Word to set His people free from the bondage of religious traditions that were making His Word ineffective in their lives.  The beginning of ministry was heralded with original music and teaching, itinerating in the region, and ministering regularly in local nursing homes.  In her first two years of ministry, Daiscia also continued in a radio ministry that she had started four years prior, ministered to singles at World Harvest Christian Center as the leader of the Singles' Group, taught in the Bible school, and served as a worship leader.  Daiscia now ministers in the local federal prison, ministering truths to help set the captives free in Christ.

In 2001, God did a miraculous thing--He introduced Chuck Roseberry into the picture, a strong man of God with a homeless outreach and a heart for the lost.  God laid out His plan for their lives, and they were married in July of 2002 and moved to Georgia.  Over the first few years of their marriage, God blessed them with a son, CJ, and Chuck enrolled in and graduated from the Jerry Savelle School of Ministry.  Since then, Chuck has blossomed in ministry, has been licensed and ordained and been a regular guest minister at a local church, and has branched out into the prisons, bringing the message of deliverance and a good God to those held captive by their choices and their past.

Today, Know the Truth Ministries includes the teaching and music ministry of Daiscia Roseberry and the preaching and homeless outreach of Chuck Roseberry.  Our vision is to share the goodness of God and the truth of His Word.